John Mayer Felt Humiliated Over Ex-Girlfriend Taylor Swift's Song About Him

John Mayer said he felt humiliated after he heard ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift's scathing song, "Dear John." INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

John Mayer said he's humiliated after hearing ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift's hit song, "Dear John."  
"I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me," Mayer said in the new issue of Rolling Stone magazine, on stands Friday.  "I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you've ever been, someone kicked you even lower?"

Mayer and Swift dated in 2010. After the relationship came to an end, the country cutie released her scathing song. Mayer called it "cheap songwriting."  

He also said, "I know she's the biggest thing in the world, and I'm not trying to sink anybody's ship, but I think it's abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, 'Wait till he gets a load of this!' "

The battle between the ex's came to a head earlier this week when the former couple had an "icy" encounter at a nightclub in Los Angeles. The New York Post said it was "Drama central" and "Taylor demanded to be moved to the other side."