Pierce Brosnan's Daughter Dies Of Cancer

Pierce Brosnan is mourning the death of his daughter, Charlotte, who died of ovarian cancer at just 41 years old. INSIDE EDITION has more.

Tragedy for 007 actor Pierce Brosnan. His daughter, Charlotte, has died after a three-year battle with ovarian cancer. She was just 41.

Brosnan released a heartbreaking statement:

"My darling daughter Charlotte Emily passed on to eternal life having succumbed to ovarian cancer. Charlotte fought her cancer with grace and humanity, courage and dignity."

Brosnan, who played James Bond before the current 007 Daniel Craig, was at his daughter's bedside in London when she died.

Sadly, ovarian cancer has been a curse in Brosnan's family. His first wife, Cassandra, died of ovarian cancer in 1991 when she was just 43—two years older than her daughter, Charlotte.

It's a legacy of doom that haunts women who carry a virulent gene for breast and ovarian cancer.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton told INSIDE EDITION, "In a woman with a family history of ovarian cancer, she should be taking some steps preventatively to either, hopefully increase the surveillance or detection of an early form or ovarian cancer. But also, to reduce the risk of her developing ovarian cancer in the first place."

Hereditary ovarian and breast cancers were thrust into the spotlight earlier this year when Angelina Jolie announced that she had undergone a double mastectomy after discovering that she carried the BRCA-1 gene.

Brosnan's daughter leaves behind her husband, Alex Smith, a 14-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son.

"Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our beautiful dear girl," Brosnan said. "We pray for her and that the cure for this wretched disease will be close at hand soon."

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