This Coyote Found Roaming a Maryland Beach Was Actually Someone's Pet

A pet coyote was caught roaming a Maryland beach and had to be put down after it was caught by police.

This fierce-looking coyote seen roaming on a Maryland beach turned out to be someone's pet.

Police and animal control officers managed to hook the animal using catch poles after a concerned resident spotted it running along North Beach in Calvert on Wednesday.

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In a selection of photos shared by the Calvert County Sheriff's Office, it can be seen baring its teeth for the camera.

The animal was dragging a leash and had a blue collar around its neck which helped officials determine that it was actually someone's pet.

A North Beach resident contacted authorities to say they owned the animal. 

It is illegal to own a coyote as a pet in the state of Maryland but it is not known if the owner faces any charges. An investigation revealed it was obtained as a puppy in Virginia.

The coyote was put down "humanely" because it may have been exposed to rabies, according to the Calvert County Sheriff's Office.

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Results from the state lab in Baltimore showed the animal tested negative for rabies, cops said.

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