Graphic Image Shows Man Stabbed as KKK Rally Erupts Into Violence

A gathering of Ku Klux Klan members turned violent in Southern California on Saturday morning when a suspected Klan member allegedly stabbed a protester.

At least three people were was stabbed Saturday when a Ku Klux Klan rally turned violent in Southern California.

A self-described member of the hate group is suspected of stabbing a counter-protester at the Anaheim rally, police said.

A small group of about 20 people representing the KKK were expected at the rally in the city's Pearson Park Saturday morning.

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By 11 a.m., several dozen counter-protesters had reportedly shown up at the park, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Confronting racism & bearing witness at the KKK rally in Anaheim, CA. @latimes

— Melodye Shore (@MelodyeShore) February 27, 2016

According to witnesses, the protesters began to swarm the Klan members as they arrived while waving Confederate flags.

The Klansmen used the point of a flagpole to stab one of the counter-protesters as they closed in, according to a witness.

Photos taken by counter-protester Melodye Shore show a sidewalk covered in blood as officials aide the apparently stabbed man.

Fighting racism & bearing witness--KKK rally in Anaheim, CA. @latimes

— Melodye Shore (@MelodyeShore) February 27, 2016

Read: Hacktivist Group Anonymous Accuses U.S. Senators and Mayors of Ties to KKK

Witnesses said the Klansman told police he'd "stabbed him in self-defense." 

Sgt. Daron Wyatt of the Anaheim Police Department said two others were also stabbed during the melee. It was unclear if those other victims were protesters or Klan demonstrators.

Wyatt said multiple protesters and one Klansman were hauled away in cuffs.

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