Woman Accused of Killing Ex-Boyfriend Over Cable TV Bill

An argument over an unpaid cable TV bill turned deadly when a New York woman allegedly stabbed her ex-boyfriend to death.

An argument over an unpaid cable TV bill turned deadly when a New York woman allegedly stabbed her ex-boyfriend to death, authorities said.

Chamia Johnson, 34, pleaded not guilty Thursday to second-degree murder in the killing of her former boyfriend, 39-year-old Antoine Mallory, who was found stabbed once in the chest in his Niagara Falls home on Feb. 22, according to reports.

Mallory, who fathered two of Johnson’s four children, was taken to Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital but could not be saved.

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Prosecutors said Mallory was supposedly expected to pay Johnson’s cable bill, which she went to his home to demand he do.

“She went there to complain about the cable bill not being paid,” Deputy District Attorney Doreen Hoffmann said at Johnson’s Thursday court appearance, Buffalo News reported.

Hoffmann added: “His cable bill was paid, because in the crime scene photos, the TV is on.”

Johnson is accused of bringing a folding knife with her to confront Mallory, which she used to allegedly stab him and then threw out after she fled the scene.

She turned herself in to police the next day.

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State Supreme Court Justice Richard C. Kloch Sr. ordered Johnson held without bail, in part because of a bench warrant issued for her in connection to a 2005 disorderly conduct violation that had been reduced from a criminal impersonation charge, Buffalo News wrote.

Johnson is expected back in court for a pretrial conference on June 9, with a tentative trial date set for Sept. 19.

“She wishes to profess her innocence and go to trial on this matter,” Assistant Public Defender Michael E. Benedict said. 

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