Neglected Angora Rabbit With Matted Fur Gets Transformation of a Lifetime

Meet Rambo, a rabbit named for its fighting spirit after being rescued.

When this neglected rabbit was surrendered by his owners, the rescuers knew the road to recovery would not be easy.

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NHC Rabbit Rescue founder Jennie Hoyt changed  the bunny's name from Drake to Rambo because she was determined to inspire the fighter in him, and nurse him back to health.

"He's the worst case we have gotten into our rescue," Hoyt told

"I pulled him out of the box and realized he was in immediate danger," Hoyt said.

The rescued rabbit had been suffering various medical issues including being malnourished. 

He was covered in urine and feces, and couldn't move much because of severely matted fur.

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It took over 12 hours of careful shaving to untangle the rabbit's fur. 

The NHC Rabbit Rescue then wrapped Rambo in tiny sweaters, to keep him warm without his fur.

After treating the rabbit with antibiotics, ointments, and pain medications, Hoyt said he was then re-introduced to food.

Within three days, Rambo was up and running.

"He was romping and exploring," Hoyt told "I did not expect him to do as well as he did during his recovery!"

They are now looking for a loving family to adopt Rambo, but Hoyt said she will be sure to screen applications carefully. 

"Most people who neglect animals do not do it out of cruelty or malice ... it is done out of a lack of knowledge," she said. 

Angola rabbits, Hoyt told are the most difficult breed to care for, because they require daily grooming, and different diet needs for their fur.

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Because of Rambo, the NHC Rabbit Rescue of Wilmington decided to require special training for people who want to adopt high-risk breeds such as angora rabbits. 

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