Cross If You Dare! 10 Of The Scariest Bridges in America

From a haunted walkway to a passage over an active volcanic fault, here are the scariest bridges in America.

Driving over a bridge can induce serious anxiety in some drivers.

But even those who don't slight at heights might think twice about crossing these terrifying bridges. From a haunted walkway to a passage over an active volcanic fault, here are 10 of the scariest bridges in America.


(Source: Flickr)

Seven Mile Bridge

In order to get from Southern Florida to the Keys, a driver needs to take the Overseas Highway.

The Seven Mile Bridge is a highway resting just 65 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. The bridge might spark concern not just to drivers who fear bridges, but also those who have a fear of water.

It was built in 1912 and was remodeled in the early 80s. It has been featured in Hollywood movies, including the James Bond film License to Kill, 2 Fast 2 Furious and the Arnold Schwarzenegger blockbuster True Lies.


The Chesapeake Bay Bridge

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland reaches nearly 200 feet in certain parts and measures 4.3-miles long from end to end -- and for some motorists, getting behind the wheel and driving across the bridge is simply out of the question.

Thankfully, there's a service offering to drive people across the bridge.

Read: Is This The Scariest Bridge In America?

In 2013, IE took a trip with Bay Bridge Drive Overs, which took horrified driver Carolyn Casey over the passage.

When asked why she is so bothered by the bridge, she explained: “It's functionally obsolete, there are not even any emergency pull-offs. Do you really think that's going to keep us from going over?”


(Source: Facebook) 

Deception Pass Bridge

Washington’s two-lane, 1,486-foot-long Deception Pass Bridge was built in 1932 and is 180 feet high above water.

What makes the bridge so deceptive is when the fog and mist mix on the driver’s windshield it creates tough driving conditions and poor visibility.

Even though the bridge is registered as a historical landmark, its hair-raising size and subjectivity to weather can be a danger for pedestrians as well. The pedestrian lane of the bridge is very narrow and as cars drive by and water rushes from below, the crossover is not for the faint of heart.


(Source: Google Maps)

Cape William Moore Bridge

While Alaska’s Cape William Moore Bridge looks like an ordinary way to get from point A to point B, don't look down – because it's over an active earthquake fault.

The bridge, located outside Anchorage, is designed to withstand quakes.

Read: Woman Celebrates After Conquering Her Fear of Bridges


Golden Gate Bridge

The beautiful Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California stretches three miles long and is a mile wide. It was declared as one of the “Wonders of the Modern World” by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

But the bridge also has a dark history. It has become has become synonymous with suicide due to the number of people who have plunged to their deaths from the bridge.

Travel experts have called it “scary” for drivers, who might feel the wind whipping across the bridge. It was built to withstand 100 mile-per-hour winds and even earthquakes. 


(Source: Causeway Camera)

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

Louisiana’s Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest bridge over water in the world. The four-lane bridge stretches for 25 miles across Lake Pontchartrain and rests just 25 feet above water.

Much like Florida’s Seven Mile Bridge, it will likely induce anxiety in those with gephyrophobia (a fear of bridges) and aquaphobia (the fear of water) alike.

Read: This Snow-Covered Michigan Bridge Is So Scary, Authorities Drive Motorists Across


Mackinac Bridge

The weather can get so terrifying on Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge and the lanes are so narrow that the bridge authority offers to help drive overwhelmed motorists across.

In February, IE was there when a bridge official took motorist Renee Tschirhart across to safety – all while in a blizzard.

“This is definitely one of the worst days you’re going to experience,” the official told her.

With the help of her guide, she made it safety off the bridge – although she called it “the longest five miles of your life."

Despite its scary reputation, the Mackinac Bridge is actually one of the safest bridges in the country and offers incredible views.


Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

New York City’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world. The double-decker bridge spans just over two-and-a-half miles and rests 228 feet above water.

The famous bridge, which opened in 1964, connects Brooklyn to Staten Island. Due to the intimidating size of the bridge, it is paralyzing to some drivers who want to go across.


(Source: Getty) 

Royal Gorge Bridge

Colorado’s Royal Gorge Bridge is the country’s highest suspension bridge. It rests 90 stories between two tall cliffs over the Arkansas River.

And for the very brave, it features a 100-foot-tall pendulum swing known as the Royal Rush Skycoaster and even a zip line.

If the architecture, placement and attractions to the site are not enough to freak out drivers, the bridge is constantly under threat from wildfire. In June 2013, the bridge had to be evacuated after it was damaged by flames. It reopened in January 2014.

View: The Craziest HOV Lane Stunts


(Source: Google Maps)

Gold Brooke Bridge

What could be so scary about the quaint Vermont bridge? Unlike the Golden Gate Bridge, Seven Mile Bridge or Royal Gorge Bridge, it is scary for a different reason other than size.

View: The Scariest Places in America

The bridge, also known as Emily’s Bridge, is said to be haunted. According to legend, a girl named Emily killed herself on the bridge in the 1920s. Visitors to the spot still claim they hear footsteps and see apparitions.

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