Michelle Obama's Stirring DNC Speech Brings Crowd to Their Feet: 'When They Go Low, We Go High'

She helped kick-off the first day of the convention with poise and powerful rhetoric.

First lady Michelle Obama took center stage Monday night amid convention chaos from the “Bernie or Bust” movement to deliver a speech that appeared to unify the party and inspire Americans at the DNC.

Inside the Wells Fargo Center, Mrs. Obama spoke about her time in the White House, her endorsement of Hillary Clinton and the controversial rhetoric brought on by Donald Trump and his campaign.

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In her marquee speech, she slammed “the hateful language that we hear from public figures on TV,” adding: "Our motto is, when they go low, we go high."

She also took shots at GOP candidate Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” saying: “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again, because this right now is the greatest country on earth.”

She never mentioned Trump by name but got her point across to those watching. Trump, who tweeted about the convention all night, never posted a message on the social media platform about Mrs. Obama’s speech.

Yet, the most rousing moment of her keynote address came when she discussed America’s progress in recent years.

She said: “That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight. The stories of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done, so that today, I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.

“And I watched my daughters. Two beautiful intelligent black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn and because of Hillary Clinton my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.”

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During her speech, social media lit up with praise for the first lady’s words.

.@MichelleObama's speech was among the finest convention speeches in history: patriotic, personal, rousing, beautiful #AmericaIsAlreadyGreat

— Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) July 26, 2016

I'm not gonna front, I would also steal Michelle's speech.#Goosebumps #DemsInPhilly ????????

— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) July 26, 2016

I have to say #Michelle Obama's speech was pretty good. If u missed it, no worries, Melania #Trump will repeat it at some point.

— Serman (@sermandraoof) July 26, 2016

I was so moved by Michelle Obama's speech at the convention. She is a caring, compassionate and brilliant 1st Lady....& she can jam too!

— carl reiner (@carlreiner) July 26, 2016

Watching @MichelleObama #DemsInPhilly speech in tears. What an incredible human being. #wecannotaffordtobetiredorfrustratedorcynical

— Tegan and Sara (@teganandsara) July 26, 2016

Finally getting to watch @MichelleObama's epic #DNCConvention speech. Tears. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

— Jesse Tyler Ferguson (@jessetyler) July 26, 2016

Her proud husband tweeted words of support from the White House following her address.

Incredible speech by an incredible woman. Couldn't be more proud & our country has been blessed to have her as FLOTUS. I love you, Michelle.

— President Obama (@POTUS) July 26, 2016

President Obama’s former campaign strategist, David Axelrod, now a CNN pundit, praised her on the news network: “To understand the journey she's taken as a reluctant conscript on the public scene, to come here and command that stage the way she did tonight was extraordinary — and I think did for Hillary Clinton what no one else has done to this point.”

Mrs. Obama’s speech came after a day of discord when some Bernie Sanders supporters booed other speakers whenever Hillary Clinton’s name was mentioned.

The controversy comes after DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down following a series of 20,000 emails published on WikiLeaks Friday that showed DNC members being critical of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and some who outright mocked him.

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