Man Surprises Wife With Pregnancy Despite Vasectomy Months Before: 'God Had Other Plans'

"I get that it's not a guaranteed thing, but they probably should have told me," Tim Brummel joked.

This Georgia woman never imagined the day she would be pregnant with her fourth child — especially since her husband got a vasectomy shortly after she gave birth to their third baby.

Read: Wife Surprises Husband With Pregnancy Announcement After Five Years of Infertility

Approximately six months after Tim Brummel of Atlanta had a vasectomy, he noticed his wife start showing symptoms of being pregnant.

"She was tired and complaining about being nauseous," Tim said. "She was eating more. We both kind of joked about how she's acting like she's pregnant but we've mostly laughed it off."

His wife, Rachel Brummel, 26, told that she thought, "there's gotta be another reason for this nausea and exhaustion."

That's when it dawned on them that after a five-month follow-up examination with the clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, Tim was never called back about the results.

When he called them to check, he said they told him there may have been a snag in the procedure.

"I get that it's not a guaranteed thing, but they probably should have told me," Tim joked. "I think we have our plans and [God] has his. He just kind of overruled."

Tim said he then wanted to confirm his suspicions without his wife finding out, so he drained the toilet one night and tried his luck with a urine pregnancy test the following morning.

When it came up positive, he decided to surprise his wife with the good news and capture her reaction on camera.

Tim said that in their previous pregnancies, "She was always the one to tell me. She always knew beforehand, so I tried to tell her as quick as I could. If she ruined my surprise, I'd be so mad."

The day after his phone call with the vasectomy clinic, Rachel came home in the afternoon from a baby shower to a positive pregnancy test, and a card that read, "You are now a mommy of four."

"I was in shock," she later told "About a week after, I had my first appointment. Everything was confirmed."

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The Brummels told they always imagined having a family of five kids, but opted for a vasectomy becase they wanted to adopt their next babies.

"God had another idea for us," Rachel said. "He's got other plans."

She said they are now expecting their fourth son in March, and hope their fifth, whom they plan to adopt, will be a girl.

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