Heaviest Marathon Runner Makes The Record Book

INSIDE EDITION talks to the man who broke a world record by becoming the fattest man to ever finish a marathon, weighing in over 400 pounds.

Kelly Gneiting weighs over 400 pounds and was determined to run right into the record book as the heaviest man ever to complete a marathon.

Gneiting is so large, he had to cut open the collar of his running shirt to make room for his neck!

25,000 runners took part in Sunday's Los Angeles Marathon and Gneiting was near the back of the pack.

To get an idea of how slowly he ran, a woman walked right passed him.

To make a tough race even tougher, a torrential rain begins to fall.

"Eight more miles, holy cow!" he said.

He finally crossed the finish line with a time of nine hours, 48 minutes, and 52 seconds.

"I set the world record!" Gneiting told INSIDE EDITION proudly.

Not only that, he lost four pounds!

To watch the documentary about this 400-pound runner, go to Youtube.

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