Missouri Lawmaker Under Fire for 'I Hope Trump Is Assassinated' Facebook Post

The state's top Democrats are now asking State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal to step down.

A Missouri lawmaker is in hot water after reportedly posting to social media about her wish to see President Trump's White House tenure meet a premature end.

“I hope Trump is assassinated!” state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democrat from University City, reportedly wrote in a Facebook exchange Thursday morning.

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By the afternoon, top members of her own party were calling for her resignation.

“I condemn it," U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill said. "It’s outrageous. And she should resign." 

U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, (D-St. Louis) said: “Calling for the assassination of the president is a federal crime" and called Chappelle-Nadal "an embarrassment to our state. She should resign immediately.”

And Missouri Senate Democratic Caucus leader Sen. Gina Walsh said Chappelle-Nadal "should be ashamed of herself for adding her voice to this toxic environment.”

As other leaders assailed her, Chappelle-Nadal admitted in an interview that she had, in fact, written the post but quickly deleted it.

“I didn’t mean what I put up," she told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "Absolutely not. I was very frustrated. Things have got to change. It was in response to the concerns that I am hearing from residents of St. Louis. I have deleted it, and it should have been deleted, but there is something way more important that we should be talking about.”

Despite her remorse, the lawmaker stated outright that she plans to serve out her term.

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“I am not resigning," she said. "What I said was wrong, but I am not going to stop talking about what led to that, which is the frustration and anger that many people across America are feeling right now."

The St. Louis field office of the U.S. Secret Service said they are looking into the matter.

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