Pissed-Off Cat Swims Through Hurricane Harvey Waters and Wins Over the Internet

He's definitely over Hurricane Harvey.

This severely pissed-off cat is definitely over Hurricane Harvey.

The fed-up feline was photographed swimming through dirty floodwaters in Houston, Texas, by Getty photographer Scott Olson, and he’s giving better side-eye than most humans.

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The image, which was captured Aug. 30, has since gone viral, with many commenting on the cat’s resilience in the face of the storm. It’s been shared more than 65,000 times.

“All the photos I've seen of dogs and horses escaping the flooding, they look terrified. This cat just looks pissed — like he's going to write a sternly worded letter to his city councilor when he gets home,” wrote Laura Mullane, who posted the photo to Facebook.

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The animal was quickly made into a meme on Twitter.

"Climate change is a hoax." pic.twitter.com/t66UshzUOe

— Laurie Scott (@LaurieTheScott) September 3, 2017

Others seemed impressed with its attitude.

Badassery at its finest...if looks could kill.. #HarveyCatpic.twitter.com/EPgXEjwfIb

— Johnny♡ (@Mr_Johnny_E) September 4, 2017

Luckily, the animal's anger fueled its determination and it is now safe. Another photo taken by Olson showed the cat perched on top of a car.

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