The Most Embarrassing Dad in America?

Dale Price has the dubious distinction of being called the "most embarrassing dad in America" because he dressed up in costumes to greet his son's school bus every day of the school year. INSIDE EDITION talks to Price and his son Rain.

Most teenagers are not unfamiliar with their parents' capacity for social mortification. But INSIDE EDITION spoke with a man who undoubtedly holds the dubious title of "Most Embarrassing Dad in America.

 "I guess I'm going to have to embrace that, but that wasn't the intention. It wasn't to be the embarrassing dad, it was to be the supportive dad," Dale Price said.

When Rain Price, now 16, boarded the bus on the first day of school last year, he was horrified to see his parents waving him goodbye.

"He was on the bus like this (covers side of face) I don't know them," Dale says of his son.

Unfortunately for Rain, his dad wanted to be noticed. The next day, he showed up to the bus stop yet again– but this time, he wore a wacky football outfit!

"I'm just trying to lay low, just fit in," Rain remembers.

That's proven to be impossible with a dad like Dale. Every day for 170 straight school days, Dale donned a different costume to wave goodbye outside the family home in Utah.

"I gave him a little sendoff every day, a little 'I love you' in my own special way," Dale says.

Although Rain may have been less than pleased, the other kids on the bus loved Dale's enthusiasm. As the year progressed, the costumes got bolder and bolder.

The worst ensemble of all, according to Rain?

"The Little Mermaid. He had a shell bra and the flippers."

For Rain, the end of school can't come soon enough!

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