A Sex Offender Attacks College Co-eds.

INSIDE EDITION has the story about a knife-wielding sex offender who broke into a home filled with college girls and terrified the young women.

A young college girl called 911 from her room in a house, when a knife-wielding man forced six of her roommates to lie on their bellies so he could bind their hands with tape.

Caller: "He's taping, he's taping her somewhere. I'm worried he's going to come find me."

The call was interrupted by the blood-curdling sound of a women screaming.

Caller: "My door's open."
Operator: "Your door's open? Did somebody open your door or did you open it?"
Caller: "He did. They're screaming. Should I go?"
Operator: "No, no, just stay in your room, okay?"
Caller: "He's threatening though."
Operator: "What threats?"
Caller: "I'll stab you."

Police say Robert Hitt broke through a window and terrorized the female students from the University of Washington. He is a convicted rapist who was sprung from prison just two months ago.

Hitt was convicted of raping a student from the same University in 2001.

Lawyer Anne Bremner expressed her opion of Hitt's release in one word, "Outraged." 

Bremner then posed a question of public safety regarding a sex offender who re-offends two months after being released.

Hitt was sentenced to life but released after just 11 years after he completed a sex offender treatment program. It's a mistake authorities deeply regret.

Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said, "When the parole board makes the right decision, we never hear about it. When they're wrong, they're spectacularly wrong."

Little did Hitt know that two of the eight women who lived in the house were hiding and calling 911.

Operator:  "How long ago did you hear your roommate scream?"
Caller: "Two minutes ago. I can hear her still. It sounds like she's all right, but it sounds like he's yelling at her and harassing her so I'm scared for her."

Cops got there in minutes and were ready to pounce.

Operator: "We've got several officers. We've got about four cars right outside the house, okay?"

"We can insure that he will never walk the streets of our community ever again," said Satterberg.


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