Pope Francis Walks Into Crowd At Installation In Rome

Hundreds of thousands attend the installation of Pope Francis who walked into the crowd to kiss a disabled man on the forehead. INSIDE EDITION has the latest from the Vatican.

Pomp and pageantry on a grand, historic scale as the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church was installed in Rome this morning.

Pope Francis had a simple message of love, calling on all people of the world to embrace the poorest and the weakest. He also prayed in front of the tomb of St. Peter, the first pope.

Two hundred thousand people jammed St. Peter's Square to get an up-close look at the new pope. He gave his security detail nightmares when he waded into the crowd and kissed a disabled man on the forehead. CBS's Allen Pizzey is there.

Pizzey reported, "You could have jumped over the barrier and grabbed him if you'd really been so inclined. He's totally unconscious about security. It seems to be driving his security men crazy."

Pope Francis rode around the square for a full half hour in the same type of open air Jeep that Pope John Paul II used when he was shot in an assassination attempt in 1981. Since that assassination attempt, popes have used a covered pope mobile.

Vice President Joe Biden led the United States delegation and met the new pope one-on-one inside the Vatican.

Pope Francis was given a gold plated silver ring he will wear until the end of his life and a wool stole that represents his role as shepherd of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.

Tens of millions of people around the world watched the ceremony on television. One of those viewers, former Pope Benedict, watched from Castel Gandolfo.

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