Top Air Force Colonel Homeless After Retirement

Retired Colonel Rober Freniere, once a top military aide, finds himself among the homeless. INSIDE EDITION reports.

He is not your typical homeless man, living out of his van. He's a former Air Force Colonel.

Robert Freniere has fallen as far as a man can fall. He was a top aide to four-star General Stanley McChrystal, the ex-commander of our forces in Afghanistan.

The Philadephia Inquirer found Freniere in a parking lot in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. He keeps his old Air Force uniform in his van, a sad reminder of his glorious past.

Freniere told a reporter, "You stay calm. That's what we were trained for when I went through survival training."

The 59-year-old hero has three masters degrees and says he'd be happy to find any kind of work. So far, no luck.

"How many applications can you fill out in a day? And it takes you six or seven hours, and then you don't hear from any of them. You start getting hopeless," he said.

Despite his run of bad luck, this retired colonel is optimistic about the future, saying, "I'm a military guy. I'm mission oriented. You don't give up."

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