'Heaven Is For Real' Stirs Controversy From An Unlikley Source

There is surprising controversy from a prominent pastor about the new film Heaven Is for Real, about the near-death experience of Colton Burpo. INSIDE EDITION explains.

There's controversy over the hit movie Heaven Is for Real, about a boy who says he came back from the dead.

Starring Greg Kinnear, it's based on the huge best-selling book about the life of Colton Burpo. At age four, Colton was rushed to the hospital with a burst appendix and he says he went to Heaven as surgeons fought to save his life.

Colton told INSIDE EDITION, "Heaven is such an amazing place. There's people, angels, animals."

We also spoke to Colton's father Todd, who's a minister, and asked him, "You believe your son saw Heaven?"

Todd replied, "Absolutely."

But now, the movie is taking flak from a very unexpected source. Prominent Baptist pastor and syndicated radio host, John MacArthur spoke to Good Morning America. He said, " I'm convinced that the entire movie and book is a hoax. It has nothing to do with Christianity. It has nothing to do with The Bible."

Heaven Is for Real is just one of a number of hugely popular stories about near-death experiences.

The best-selling book Proof of Heaven, was written by a neurosurgeon who says he experienced the afterlife. The new ABC series Resurrection is a big hit.

MacArthur said, "Let's say a dozen books written by people who have been to Heaven recently and come back. Every single one of them describes it differently."

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