Bowe Bergdahl Unaware of Controversy Surrounding His Release

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl may be dealing with a difficult transition from his Taliban captivty, unaware of the controversy. INSIDE EDITION reports on the latest.

Bowe Bergdahl is completely clueless about the raging controversy over his release, and has still not spoken to his parents.
Terry Lyles, a specialist in combat stress told INSIDE EDITION, "It's not uncommon for someone coming back with that kind of trauma, not to know how to reach back and reconnect with people they loved. It's very, very uncomfortable."

Watch Lyle's Interview with INSIDE EDITION

Bergdahl's father has reportedly now shaved the full beard he grew in solidarity with his POW son.

The FBI says Bergdahl's parents have received death threats accusing them of being Taliban sympathizers.

But their son is reportedly telling U.S. doctors in Germany that he was "locked in a metal cage in total darkness" for weeks at a time after attempting to escape.

Lyles explained, "You got to remember, he was in captivity for five years, lived in a box and was kept in the dark and wasn't fed properly and who knows what else went on. So, he's got a lot of psychological and emotional trauma."

ABC News' Brian Ross banged on the door where the five senior Taliban leaders who were swapped for Bergdahl are now living in the wealthy Persian Gulf nation of Qatar. No one answered, but an American reporter knocking at the Taliban's front door is startling to say the least.

One military wife's has this response to the Bergdahl controversy:

Shannon Allen posted this Facebook photo of her paralyzed husband, Sergeant first class Mark Allen, who she says was wounded while searching for Bergdahl.

"Meet my husband, injuries directly brought to you by the actions of this traitor. He can't give an account of what went down, because he can no longer speak. Now, which guy is a "hero" again?!? Sick."