Meanest Prank Ever Puts Parents Under Microscope

A prank of a small child being tossed from a balcony has gone viral, but many are asking if the child's mother was in on the joke. INSIDE EDITION spoke to the prankster behind the video.

It is the prank video everyone's talking about when an unsuspecting mom was duped into believing her son was accidentally thrown over a balcony.

But now, many people are asking one big question about mom.

INSIDE EDITION’s Steven Fabian asked her, “Were you in on this? Because some are saying, 'She is faking this. She is acting.'”

The video was shot by her boyfriend, Roman Atwood, who is well known for posting prank videos on the internet.

He set up multiple cameras throughout their house. They were all rolling as Brittney Smith returned home to find Roman playing with their two sons, one of them in a Spiderman outfit. When mom stepped away for a second, Roman brought out a dummy, also in a Spiderman costume.

Then, she returned to see Roman flip the Spiderman dummy over the balcony. She thinks it is her son that went over. She raced downstairs and ripped off the Spiderman mask only to discover she had been pranked.

More than six million people have viewed the video on YouTube. But many think the mom was in on it.

"This is so fake! Actors!" said one skeptic.

"This would be a cruel joke if it wasn't fake," said another.

So was it a setup? Was the mom in on the prank?

She told Fabian, “Oh no, there's no way I could have been in on that. I was trembling. I’m not an actress, I’m a stay at home mom. There is now way I was in on this.”

Roman said, "It was legit, man. Very was legit. It was scary."

Watch INSIDE EDITION's Interview with Atwood and Smith
Brittney Smith told Fabian she really was petrified their three-year-old son, Kane, was badly hurt in the fall at their home in Columbus, Ohio.

“I was literally shaking. The whole night, my chest was tight,” she said.

Roman's YouTube channel is loaded with other pranks. In one video he pretends to steal gas.

As for this latest prank? He said, "You can't live with a prankster and not expect to get pranked."

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