'DWTS' Judge Bruno Booed for Sexist Slam on Charlotte McKinney

'Dancing with the Stars' viewers are outraged.

Jeers for Judge Bruno! He's getting slammed today for suggesting model Charlotte McKinney is a dumb blonde.

Bruno's boneheaded comments came just before she was booted from Dancing with the Stars.

He said, “You're never going to win the Nobel Prize for quantum physics, but you are easy on the eyes.”

The audience reaction was immediate with loud booing. McKinney was stunned!

Bruno quickly apologized but her fans lashed out on Twitter.

One said: “Can't believe Bruno called Charlotte dumb on national television. Just wow!”

Another said: “Bruno Tonioli just set woman back 30 years with that stupid comment.”

McKinney, who exploded onto the scene just two months ago with a racy Super Bowl ad for Carl's Jr., had this reaction on Good Morning America, “I just really thought it was uncalled for. It just came out of nowhere.”

But in a classy move, she says she forgives Bruno!

“It was silly. Sometimes on live TV you forget,” she said.

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