Walmart Brawl Mom Reveals Legal Defense: I Was Just Trying to Help Store Employee

Amber Stephenson, the mom who encouraged her six-year-old son to join her in a fight at Walmart, appeared in an Indiana court over the brawl.

It's a day of humiliation for one of the women involved in that wild brawl in Walmart. The video, shot last week, has now been seen by millions.

Amber Stephenson arrived in court in Indiana with her lawyer, who is seeking a gag order in the case. He says his client was trying to help a Walmart employee when the fight broke out.

Read: Walmart Mom Who Told 6-Year-Old 'Punch Her in the F***in' Face, Johnnie' is Arrested

"A store employee was being harassed and receiving racially derogatory comments. She took issue with it and said, 'Why don't you get a life?' The other person leaped out of a scooter," said her lawyer, Carl Epstein.

Stephenson has been charged with disorderly conduct and neglect of a dependent for allegedly getting her little son Johnnie involved in the fight.

"If he sees his mother being assailed, his insticts are going to be affected, and he's going to do what comes naturally," said her lawyer.

She and her lawyer also criticized the Walmart employee for not coming to Amber's aid.

"Store employees walked right by the situation as Amber's hair is literally being held and being pulled out by its roots," said the lawyer.

Read: Mom Defends 6-Year-Old Son Joining in on Walmart Brawl: My Son Doesn't Back Down

The other woman in the knock-down, drag-out fight has not been charged.

Watch Below: 6-Year-Old Defends Mom by Hitting Woman with Shampoo Bottle in Walmart Brawl

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