The drama continues to unfold between Elizabeth and John Edwards, as reports say the former Senator has moved out of their house. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Strong words from Elizabeth Edwards as she sends her cheating husband packing.
"I've had it. I can't do this. I want my life back," said Elizabeth.
Elizabeth finally reached her breaking point a few weeks ago and kicked her husband out, according to the new issue of People magazine out Friday.
A close confident of John Edward's also confirmed the split to People magazine, saying, "John feels like 'I can't live with you checking my cell phone, asking who I was with, where I went.' They realized she still doesn't trust him and therefore they shouldn't live together."
Elizabeth's sister reveals that just before the breakup Elizabeth personally brought Christmas gifts to baby Quinn, the love child Edwards now admits he fathered with Rielle Hunter.
"In December, Elizabeth Edwards felt she was ready to meet the young Quinn. So she bought some Christmas presents for the little girl and went to meet her at a North Carolina hotel. The meeting was arranged by an intermediary, but John Edwards was there," says Senior Editor at People magazine Galina Espinoza.
At one point Elizabeth told Quinn to "Go stand next to daddy" and then she took a photo.
Elizabeth is said to have divorce papers at the ready and will decide whether to file depending on her battle with incurable cancer. Either way her sister says, "I hear peace in her voice that I haven't heard in a long time."
But the storm may just be beginning for Edwards who is portrayed as a "lowlife" and "serial liar" in the new book The Politician, written by his long time aide Andrew Young who once covered up for Edwards falsely claiming he fathered Rielle's baby.
Young, who opens up about the scandal Friday on 20/20, also makes a shocking new claim. He says Edwards actually made a sex tape with a pregnant Rielle. Young says he found the damaged tape in the house he shared with Rielle in California. He says it showed Edwards and Hunter "right in the middle of a sexual encounter."
Young also says that Edward's had sex with Rielle in his family's home in North Carolina while Elizabeth was out of town, writing "the two made love after he took the kids to school."
Young portrays Rielle as a flaky new-ager who "believed the child was a reincarnated spirit of a Buddhist monk who would rescue the world."
And in his book Young writes that the presidential hopeful called him in tears after the National Enquirer cornered him at at the Beverly Hilton while he was visiting baby Quinn.
A distraught Edwards reportedly said, "They caught me. It's all over."