The scandal surrounding former Senator John Edwards continues to shock the nation. INSIDE EDITION has the latest details involving a sex tape the embattled politician allegedly made.
Shocking new information about the alleged John Edwards sex tape from the former aide who says he discovered it!
Andrew Young, the author of the bombshell tell-all The Politician, speaks out about what he calls a jaw-dropping tape on 20/20, with his wife Cherrie sitting by his side.
"There was one tape named 'Special' and I was just aghast. It was a sex tape of Rielle and John Edwards made just a couple of months before the Iowa caucuses," said Young.
The reporter asked Young if he is absolutely sure it's Edwards and Rielle. Young replied, "It's definitely him. You never see her face. It's a visibly pregnant woman."
Young says he was stunned to find the tape while he was moving out of the house he and his wife once shared with Rielle.
"It's amazing the tape exists, but to leave it in a house that's for sale where realtors are going to be coming through it, and leave it there for eight months, is unbelievable," said Young.
Edwards admitted that he is baby Quinn's dad last week and says he will provide her with the "love and support she deserves," but Young says Edwards had a much different reaction when Rielle told him she was pregnant.
"Cussing her out, calling her crazy, saying that she had sworn to him that she was physically unable to get pregnant and that he just felt like he had been set up. The Senator tried to convince her to have an abortion. He tried to convince me to convince Rielle to have an abortion," said Young.
All this comes as Edwards speaks out for the first time about his legal separation from his wife Elizabeth.
"It is an extraordinarily sad moment, but I love my children more than anything and still care deeply about Elizabeth," Edwards said in a statement.
Attention is now turning to the Edwards' children, the youngest victims of the scandal, who are also grappling with their mother's incurable cancer.
Clinical psychologist Gayle Saltz told INSIDE EDITION, "However stressful this would be for an adult, it's that much more stressful for a child because they don't have control, they're sort of the helpless victims, if you will, of what's going on around them."