Meet the 2-Year-Old Triplets Who Can't Get Enough of Their Local Garbage Men

"Around the time we think they're coming, we hang out on the driveway. They get so excited that they jump up and down," their mom said.

Meet Heaton, Wilder and Holden, the Florida triplets infatuated with their local garbage men.

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Every Tuesday and Friday morning, the 2-year-old triplets wait patiently for their new friends, meeting them at the end of the driveway during trash collection time.

"Around the time we think they're coming, we hang out on the driveway," their mom, Martha Sugalski, told "They get so excited that they jump up and down."

It all started in the months after they were born.

"Every day, we would stroller up and down the streets," their mom, Martha Sugalski, told "Every week, we'd see the truck, and they'd wave and honk. After a while, they got out and started talking to the babies."

To celebrate their new found friendship, Sugalski began documenting their visits with the local garbage men on her Facebook page.

One of the videos, featuring the triplets jumping and waving to the garbage truck pulling up on the block, even reached 500,000 shares.

"One time, the babies were out back and they were naked swimming," she laughed. "They heard the truck, and they bolted out of the pool. I had to race to put their clothes on." 

Sugalski explained that the men working the route has changed slightly since they started their relationship with the garbage men, but the triplets now look out for Mr. Rob and Mr. Chad.

Even though they now know not to race into the road when they see the truck barreling down the street, they wait anxiously, usually with a Gatorade or homemade lunch to hand off to the garbage men as they got out of their truck to chat.

"Mr. Rob just got married," their mom said, recalling a recent conversation, "and Mr. Chad is a DJ on the side. We're always finding out what parties he did, or what he did on the weekend."

She even said that Mr. Rob let the boys onto the truck recently to honk the horn. Holden, Sugalski's daughter, was less excited about the sound.

"These guys are hard at work and the fact that they take the time to stop and catch up," she said, "they do such a good job, and they take such pride in their work."

But the triplets continue to call for Mr. Andrew, who has been a regular garbageman on the route since the beginning. He was temporarily taken off the route since he fell off the truck a few weeks ago.

So, Sugalski helped start a GoFundMe page to help Mr. Andrew get back on his feet, and into his truck.

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"It's really just developed into a friendship," she said. "We care about these guys."

In fact, when the triplets turn 3 later this month, Sugalski said they will all be invited to the party. 

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