Cops Surprise 3-Year-Old Boy With Autism After Guests Leave His Birthday Party Early

Cops made sure little Brayden had a birthday to remember.

  • Presents, cake... and cops?

    Several kind Oklahoma police officers paid a special visit to a toddler with autism on his third birthday after most of his guests left his party earlier than expected.

    Little Brayden’s mom, Terra Hubbard, decided the cancel the party -- but before she could, an anonymous caller sent a tip to the Yukon Police Department to surprise the birthday boy.

    Read: Boy, 10, Asks Birthday Party Guests To Bring Shoes Instead of Gifts So He Can Give Them To Needy Kids

  • “We received an anonymous call from a lady that was a family friend,” Lt.  Curtis Lemmings told “She didn’t know if she was going to be able to make it because she didn’t live in this town, so she told us about it.”

    As luck would have it, the birthday party was happening during a change of shift, which meant some of the officers were able to join in on the festivities.

  • Read: 3 Cops and 2 Civilians Spring Into Action to Rescue Man Trapped in Car After He Drove Into Lake

    “It’s really kind of weird to show up at someone’s house unannounced,” another one of the officers, Cpt. Matt Hofer, said. “But they were so appreciative of us making the effort to be there for little Brayden.”  

    After a few moments, Brayden warmed up to his new guests in blue and even enjoyed sitting in the front seat of their police cruiser.  

    “Quite a number of police officers there interacted with Brayden and his mom,” said Cpt. Hofer. “It was a really special moment not only for them but for us as well.”

  • The family was so grateful for the officer’s visit, they made "thank you" signs and placed them all over town.

    “It was a great experience for everyone,” said Lt. Lemmings. “Any time we can make a positive impact on a family’s life or situation, all the guys and girl that work here don’t hesitate to do so.”

Watch: State Trooper Surprise 10-Year-Old After No One Shows Up At Birthday Party

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