Louisiana Gasp! Woman Claims She Found Rat in Her Popeye's Chicken

A woman has lawyered up after finding what she says was a rat in food from Popeye's.

A woman allegedly appeared to find what looked like a rat head in her chicken at a Popeye’s Chicken in New York City.

Rosemary Thomas claimed in a Facebook post that her daughter and other family members were together at the Popeye’s location in Harlem when her daughter found the rat in a piece of chicken she was eating.

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Thomas posted the photo to Facebook, which has been shared more than 160,000 times.

“Friends and family, this is a meal Popeyes in Harlem served my daughter, my niece and sister. This is clearly a rat and they have the nerve to have a 5 rating by the department of health,” wrote Thomas. “Think about all the other rats that have been served and the lasting effect this will have on my daughter, niece and sister.”

Thomas went on to say that her daughter hadn't eaten all day after the incident. 

The Popeye’s location has a Grade A score since its last inspection in April. Last year, however, the location was cited for their facility not being “vermin proof” and “conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises,"  according to the NYC Department of Health.

Renee Kopkowski, a spokeswoman for Popeye’s, said that based on the photos they have seen, they think it is a chicken organ. “We can’t confirm that until the guest brings the product back for testing,” Kopkowski told InsideEdition.com

Popeye’s said they have reached out to Thomas and asked her to bring the alleged rat back so they can test it. They do have a meeting set up and she has invoked legal counsel, according to Kopkowski.  

Thomas told InsideEdition.com that she did not want to comment. 

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“The owner of the restaurant is taking it very seriously,” said Kopkowski.

The establishment has two stars on Yelp and the number to the location was disconnected.

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