Waitress Gets $300 Tip From Stranger to Buy New Laptop That Was Stolen Before Christmas

She said she told him what happened in passing.

A South Carolina waitress received a late Christmas gift from a complete stranger in the form of a $300 tip.

Ebonii Green’s said her laptop had been stolen from her home the week before Christmas, but more than the monetary loss was the disappointment that she lost all of her daughter’s newborn pictures on it.

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"I was pretty broken up about it because it was one of my most prized possessions. There [weren't] any other copies of those pictures,” Green told InsideEdition.com.

She’d move on from the ordeal when she struck up a conversation with a customer at her new waitress job at Columbia Metropolitan Airport.

The pair talked for hours and she mentioned the robbery in passing, she said.

“'I laughingly told [him]... how my laptop was stolen the week before Christmas. And how ironically, today I found out all of my textbooks for school are online,' she wrote in a Facebook post about the tip.

Green said the man asked her what she would do and she told him she’d make it work.

As he paid his bill, the man included a check and said, "Good luck with school."

Green said she opened up the book to see a $300 tip and was in shock.

“Enjoy the laptop! Hope it helps with school!' the man wrote on the receipt. 

Read: Teen Waiter Discovers $20 Tip Is Actually a Bible Pamphlet in Disguise

“I was speechless,” Green said. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating fast. It was really overwhelming. It was so nice.”

Green said the first thing she’s going to do when she gets paid this week is buy the laptop.

“Today was the first day of school,” Green said.

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