Be Prepared For A Nuclear Disaster

In the wake of the tragedy in Japan, INSIDE EDITION talks to the American Red Cross about what everyone should know to prepare for an emergency.

It's the international crisis that is sparking fears right here at home. Americans are forced to consider whether they're prepared for an emergency of epic proportions.

The New York Daily News asks, "Are we safe?"

INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander tried on a hazmat suit that would keep radiation contamination from reaching her skin. Her shoes, hands, everything was covered in a material called Tyvek. To make sure nothing could seep inside she wrapped duct tape tightly around her cuffs and pant legs. And believe it or not, you can buy all this at any Home Depot.

"If there were a release from a nuclear power plant, we would be giving directions to the public. We would be asking them to stay in their homes or we may be asking them to evacuate. If they were evacuated and felt they have been contaminated, we would direct them to a reception center where we can scan them to see if they have been contaminated with any radioactivity," explained Liz Benjamin, Assistant Director of Emergency Preparedness from Rockland County, NY.

  Experts say every family should have an American Red Cross emergency preparedness kit.

"The first thing you do want to have is water, critically important during any emergency. The second thing is food, people need an energy source, such as energy bars. You want some kind of light source in case you have to navigate a dark stairway. You watch the images on TV and it drives home the fact that we can always do more to ensure that we're safe," said Jim Parker, Mission Programs Officer from Metro NY Red Cross.

For more information on how to help efforts in Japan and better prepare yourself, go to their website.