White House Party Crasher Kicked Off Celebrity Rehab

INSIDE EDITION talks to Michaele and Tareq Salahi about what she calls another public humiliation by being kicked off Celebrity Rehab.

White House party crasher Michaele Salahi says she's been made a fool of by Celebrity Rehab.

"The hardest part of this is the public humiliation again. I feel like they brought me there to demean me. Ridicule me. Because you would have helped me, or you wouldn't have wasted my time," Salahi tells INSIDE EDITION.

Producers of the VH1 show Celebrity Rehab starring Dr. Drew Pinsky say they kicked her off for one reason: she did not have an addiction.

"They came and said, 'We're going to need you to leave, you're not an addict.' I said, 'I've been telling you that for the last ten days'," says Salahi.

Salahi says she was honest with them from the beginning that she did not have an addiction. She says she thought she was at Dr. Pinsky's Pasadena Recovery Center to get treatment for psychological stress related to having multiple sclerosis.  

"Having the disease is hard enough psychologically, because you deal with depression. And I kind of always fight it. And even when the world's crashing, I say, oh I'm ok, but I'm not," said Michaele.

She also wanted help with the trauma she's suffered after being publicly humiliated after she crashed the White House state dinner in 2009. Her husband Tareq says they made a mockery of her yet again.

"Michaele was discarded and she was actually put out on the street in Pasadena in front of the rehab center and left there," he said.
"It wasn't right to bring me in and not help me. I wish they had never asked me to come," says Salahi.