Woman's Hilarious, Sassy Obit Goes Viral: 'I Hate to Admit It, but Evidently I Died'

Great-grandmother Jean Oddi, who died at age 91, is remembered by her family for being cantankerous but never cruel.

Short on sentiment and long on sarcasm, the obituary of a 91-year-old Ohio great-grandmother has delighted people across the country who have never met the woman.

"I hate to admit it, but evidently I died," read the final words of Jean Oddi. "I’m leaving behind a hell of a lot of stuff."

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She admonished her friends to not cry “because I’m gone. Instead have a drink and be happy you knew me. Maybe you can cry a little bit, because, after all, I died.”

Her online obituary drew more than 100 comments, many from complete strangers.

“I didn’t know you, Jean, but I sure wish I had! You sound like one hell of a lady who loved life!” wrote one woman.

“I would have given my left boob to have known this woman,” wrote another.

Her granddaughter, 45-year-old Melissa Herby Falter, penned the obituary in the first-person, knowing full well that Oddi, who could be cantankerous but never cruel, would have loved every bit of it.

"She was a b****," Falter said, laughing. “I would say that to her if she were sitting here. She would say she was a b****.  She did what she wanted. But she did it with a kind heart. She didn’t care what anyone thought of her.

“She was happy. She loved her family. She loved to travel,” Falter told InsideEdition.com Thursday.

She had visited Alaska, Europe, Canada and the Panama Canal. "Oh, dammit, I really wanted to go to Asia," the obit reads.

Falter said a news site in Bangladesh has posted her grandmother’s message.

"So she made it to Asia after all," Falter said.

In the obituary, Oddi thanked her oldest friend for "putting up with all my s***."

She listed some of her favorite things: “the smell of lavender, drinking hot coffee [and] teaching my granddaughter dirty songs.”

She lived most of her lived in Columbus, with stints in West Virginia, New York, Nevada and California, her obituary said. "I was born on Sept. 7, 1925 in blah, blah, blah, the daughter of a wonderful and beautiful woman and an SOB man."

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Her favorite activities included dancing, playing cards, eating and drinking Jameson whiskey.

“Please remember this — never let the facts get in the way of a good story, the middle finger is sign language, when someone gives, take, when someone takes, scream, and take care of yourself. Don’t get old. Oh, and don’t tell anyone what kind of day to have,” she said.

She is survived by her daughter, Casey Clark, 70, her granddaughter and great-grandsons Griffin, 16, and Nicholas, 13.

“I didn’t know this gal, but I love her!” wrote another online fan. “I can only hope I can live life like she did and go out that way!”

A “short” service is planned for Saturday at Oddi’s senior living facility.

Falter said she is humbled by the outpouring of good will.

“It’s overwhelming to lose her, and overwhelming to get this response.

“I hope she’s proud,” her granddaughter said. “Hopefully she inspires people to live more passionately. I hope people can say, ‘It’s not too late. I can live that life.’’’

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