Judge Judy is recovering from a medical scare during a taping of her hit daytime show where she suffered severe abdominal pains and double vision. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
After a medical scare that landed her in the hospital overnight, Judge Judy Sheindlin says, "All my tests were negative. I feel fine!"
And the Judge is opening up about the frightening incident that occurred right in the middle of a taping of her show yesterday.
She told the New York Post's Cindy Adams she felt "a little weary or maybe faint," her "speech slowed," and she experienced "double vision."
Sheindlin says the executive producer was so frightened that he ordered her to stop the taping.
Judge Judy was expected to be released from Cedars-Sinai hospital on Thursday and said she was immediately flying to her home in Florida for a little rest and relaxation. She says she'll resume taping her hit daytime show in twelve days, as scheduled.
As for what caused the scare, the Judge says, "I think it was undiagnosed fatigue. Or maybe too many grandchildren visiting me at my home in Florida."
And according to one of her latest tweets, she gave her doctors a dose of her signature sassiness, tweeting: "I asked my doc what was wrong with me. He said 'Ummm.' I told him 'Ummm is not an answer!"