Go Daddy CEO Kills Elephant

Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons is under fire for killing an elephant in the Africa country of Zimbabwe and then tweeting the video of it. INSIDE EDITION has the shocking details.

It's the company that's become a household name for its provocative Super Bowl ads.

From a scantily clad beauty doing the Go Daddy dance, to the spoof featuring Joan Rivers and Danica Patrick, Go Daddy has become known for unforgettable marketing campaigns.

But the latest video from Go Daddy's CEO Bob Parsons is causing a furor.

In video footage shot in the African country of Zimbabwe, and posted on his Twitter page, Parsons opens fire and kills an elephant, and then poses triumphantly with the dead beast.

The video then shows villagers wearing Go Daddy promotional hats and cutting up the dead elephant for meat.

Bloggers are also expressing outrage.

"This was filmed and commercialized for Go Daddy. That sickens me," writes on blogger.

"This is appalling," writes another

A third asks sarcastically, "Does the big brave man feel all manly now?"

We showed the video to Ingrid Newkirk, founder of the animal rights group PETA.

"He could have fed all these villagers instead of making a commercial for Go Daddy out of his blood lust," said Newkirk.

But Parsons, a long-term hunter, is hitting back and giving his critics both barrels.

Parsons told INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander, "Their hearts in the right place but they simply don't understand the situation."

Parsons told Alexander by phone that a herd of elephants had been destroying the villagers' desperately-needed crops. He said tribal authorities asked him to help.

"We didn't want to slaughter all the elephants. We wanted to shoot one and get the rest out of the field and we did that. This needs to be done," said Parsons.

"With everything that's happened now with posting the video, any regrets?"

"No. None. None at all," said Parsons.

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