The special bond Prince William shared with his mother, Princess Diana, will reportedly be included in the groom’s speech with a special tribute to his mother. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Prince William is determined that his mother will not be forgotten on his wedding day.
Published reports say William will pay tribute to the incredible bond he and his brother Harry had with Princess Diana.
In a speech he is writing he will reportedly say: "My dear mother is here in spirit and would be so proud of Catherine today."
The speech is said to be so emotionally charged he has been practicing it for weeks so he can talk about his mom without breaking down. In it he says he believes she has been watching over him since her tragic death.
Diana's unbreakable bond with her children is legendary.
She was always showing her love, always ready to give the boys ecstatic hugs. She was always there to share their playful moments of joy and laughter.
"Diana used to say 'I dont want my boys to grow up in palaces'...'I want to show them the real British society.' She invested really very heavily in William because she saw him as a future king. She saw herself as a future king maker," INSIDE EDITION's Special Correspondent Andrew Morton said.
Princess Diana wasn't afraid to become a mama grizzly protecting her kids from the paparazzi.
On one ski trip she confronted a posse of photographers: "As a parent could I ask you to protect my children's space? I brought the children out here for a holiday and we would really appreciate the space."
Diana would have turned 50 this year had she lived. We will always remember Princess Diana as a beautiful woman in the prime of her life.