Mother Allows Snake to Bite Baby, Says 'He's Very Harmless'

A Florida woman posted video of her baby being bitten by a snake, authorities said.

A Florida woman allowed a snake to bite her 1-year-old daughter and then posted video of the encounter on her Facebook page, authorities said.

The Highlands County mother said she found a red rat snake, or corn snake, in the driveway of her 9-acre property and placed it in a plastic container, she told WFTS-TV.

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“It had bitten me and my son and didn’t leave a mark, several times,” she told the station. “So I thought it was a good opportunity to introduce her without actually getting hurt.”

Highlands County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer Scott Dressel told Tuesday they had received a child abuse complaint about the video on Friday.

“We are investigating,” Dressel said. “We are aware of it.”

 The video was taken down after it prompted a slew of negative comments online.

 A deputy was sent to the secluded property Friday evening to talk with the mother, he said. The case was turned over the department’s special victims unit, which investigates child abuse allegations.

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The mother’s name was not released because she has not been charged with a crime, authorities said.

The central Florida station blurred the woman’s face to protect her identity.

“People are too sensitive,” the mom said. “They just think that I hurt my child intentionally. The people that know me know that I would never hurt my children.”

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