Air Traffic Controller Dad in Double Trouble

The air traffic controller dad who outraged the nation by letting his son direct pilots at JFK is now in double turns out he has twins and his daughter directed planes too! INSIDE EDITION has the details.

The air traffic controller in hot water for letting his son direct planes at New York's JFK airport is now in double trouble.

He has been identified in published reports as Glenn Duffy, the 48-year-old father of twins.  

It turns out Duffy's 8-year-old daughter also took a turn at giving instructions to pilots from JFK's air traffic control tower.

Duffy's daughter went to work with her dad the day after her twin brother was caught on tape playing junior air traffic controller.

Duffy is said to be a seasoned air traffic controller, but he has now sparked a national debate about whether the child's play was harmless fun or a dangerous distraction.

"The idea that a young child would be directing planes in and out of an airport is totally unacceptable," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood told Senators.

Aviation attorney Fred Tecce, a pilot with 30 years of experience, says it was no big deal.

"The analogy I use is, if you type an e-mail and ask your son to hit send or your daughter, and they send it, that's all they are doing, the message, comes from you, the information comes from you," Tecce tells INSIDE EDITION.

Just-retired pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger, the hero of the Miracle on the Hudson, weighed in on The Early Show.

"As a pilot what would be your reaction if you heard a child's voice saying you were clear to land or take off?" asked Maggie Rodriguez.

"I'd certainly be very surprised," Sullenberger admitted.

The air traffic controller and his supervisor have both been suspended pending an investigation.