When you want to lose 5 pounds fast, what do you do? INSIDE EDITION got some workout tips from a celebrity trainer who says they will help you slim down quickly.
Carrie Fisher made a dramatic entrance on live TV to show how she lost 50 pounds in nine months!
Appearing on the Today show, the 54-year-old Jenny Craig spokesman showed a picture of how she looked before compared to now.
Fisher joked that she wants to get back into that iconic bikini she wore as Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies.
Not everyone needs to lose 50 pounds, but who wouldn't want to lose five?
Here's how to do it fast.
Try this calorie-scorching workout designed by celebrity trainer Kacy Duke. The fitness phenom showed INSIDE EDITION the best moves to shed pounds at Equinox in New York City.
Start by jumping rope for 30 seconds.
Then hit the floor for six push-ups.
Don't stop there. Get back up and go back to the jump rope for another 30 seconds.
Next up is running in place with your knees up nice and high. Pump your arms while running in place for 30 seconds.
Then do six jump, squat, thrusts. Jump up, squat down, jump back up, bring it up and again.
Duke says to rest for 10 - 30 seconds between each exercise.
Now, time for some sculpting. Duke, author of The Show It Love Workout recommends a knee-lift into a back lunge.
"You want to make sure that front knee is directly over your heel," said Duke.
Then Duke showed one more workout move.
"This is called, Lift it, Love it. Bring your knee up and do a side lunge. Then bring your knee up and curtsy. You're sculpting your inner and outer thighs. Work your way up to three sets of 12 on each leg."
Follow these rules and those five pounds will be gone in no time.
To watch all the exercises in the workout, check out the video.