3 Ohio Brothers Die After Passing Out Because of Manure Pit Fumes

Manure pitManure pit
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Ohio authorities identified three brothers that were taken to a hospital after their deaths followed manure fume exposure.

Three brothers in Ohio died after passing out following exposure to fumes from a manure pit, authorities said.

Matt Lefeld, St. Henry Fire Chief, said rescue crews found the men in the pit unconscious and unable to move, according to ABC News. 

Brothers Gary, Todd and Brad Wuebker were fixing a manure pump before they passed out from the fumes.

Using manure pits to store waste before it is used for fertilizer is a common practice for large livestock farms

However, the pits can produce dangerous gases including hydrogen sulfide, methane, carbon monoxide and ammonia, according to the outlet.

The three men were taken to the hospital, where they were later pronounced dead.

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