A Serial Killer's Photos

Authorities discovered a cache of photographs taken by convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala, and the photographs are leading to new questions. Are the people in the pictures victims no one is aware of? INSIDE EDITION has more.

Could scores and scores of women and children who appear in photographs uncovered by police be the victims of a vicious serial killer? Police have released photographs of people who might be victims of Rodney Alcala.

Alcala is a serial killer who used his work as a photographer to lure his victims, approaching strangers and asking them to pose.

There was applause when a jury recommended the death penalty for Alcala for the murders of a 12-year-old ballet student and the rape and murder of four women.

But are there even more victims? Police have revealed for the first time that they have uncovered hundreds of suspicious photographs in a rented storage unit in Seattle.

Some of the disturbing photos show children, and some of the women in the photos are apparently nude. One was taken in a remote location where a killer might take his victims. Others are carefully posed.

Police say all the photos were taken before 1979, and are appealing for the public's help to identify the faces in the photos.

"What we're hoping is that people looking at these photographs might recognize one of their loved ones," says Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.

Alcala's trial gained national attention when it was revealed he had been a contestant on The Dating Game in 1978.

Alcala has a genius I.Q. and an ego to match. He acted as his own defense attorney. In one bizarre moment he played for the jury the 1960s anti-war song "Alice's Restaurant."

Now Alcala may be headed for death row, but prosecutors wonder how many more victims might be out there.

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