The entire country saw the meltdown of a 13-year-old girl who was voted off The X Factor last week. Now everyone is wondering if Paula Abdul was behind the whole thing. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.
It was the heartbreaking meltdown on The X Factor seen around the world of 13 year old Rachel Crow buristing into tears and collapsing on the stage. Now, the question everyone is asking is, did judge Paula Abdul cause the whole thing?
A flustered Scherzinger did't know which way to vote and turned to Abdul for advice. Abdul's mic was turned down so the audience never heard what Abdul was whispering. But when the audio is boosted you can hear her tell Scherzinger to, "Just let it go to the deadlock."
Going to deadlock meant voting against Crow,. tying the vote 2 to 2. The audience then voted to send Rachel Crow home.
On his late night show Monday, Jimmy Kimmel confronted Abdul about her role in Crow's dismissal.
"It appeared that you encouraged Nicole to let it go to the deadlock. Is that true?" said Kimmel.
"That's now how...that's how they interpret it," said Abdul.
"I owned the decison that I made right then," said Scherzinger.