Freeze Drying Your Pets

Some pet owners have found a way to keep their beloved pets with them for life by freeze drying them. INSIDE EDITION caught up with one couple as they welcome their dog back home after the process.

The death of a pet can be heartbreaking.

It's been more than a year since Karen Pitman's beloved dog Blue died. She knows the exact time and date she lost him.

"He passed away at 10:47 on September 27th," said Pitman.

She still misses Blue, but now he's coming home. How can that be?

"As soon as I saw it, I knew it was what I wanted to do. I didn't want to bury him. I didn't want to cremate him," said Pitman.

She reached out to the Anthony Eddy Studio in Slater, Missouri, where pets go to be freeze dried.

A deer, iguana, cute little bunnies, cats, and even a two-headed lamb, and of course dogs, are all in the process of being freeze dried.

Pitman broke the news to her husband.  

"I said, 'Shawn, I am freezing my dog,' " said Pitman.

Shawn said, "I was not pleased. It sort of freaked me out."

A representative from the Anthony Eddy Studio told INSIDE EDITION, "The main thing is, we tell them to get your pet frozen. That's the most important thing right after a pet passes away."

"Fortunately, we have an outside freezer. He was in the garage freezer for about a week," said Pitman.

Once at the facility, an animal can take up to a year for the freeze-drying process to be completed. Then there is some finishing work to do like inserting glass eyes.   

Feeze-drying a pet is not cheap. Freeze-drying Blue cost more than $3,000. Finally, he was being shipped home.

Pitman said, "Today he is coming home from the freeze dryer back to mom and dad."

Blue arrived back in Casa Grande, Arizona, via UPS and Pitman couldn't wait to get him out of the box. Her beloved dog of 15 years, a member of the family she calls him, was finally home.

It was more emotional than even she thought possible.

Pitman tearfully said, "He's perfect. I didn't know what to expect. It's just so good to have him home."

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