When President Obama signed health care reform into law, Vice President Joe Biden was overheard on a mic blurting out an expletive. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
It's a day of history as President Obama signs the health care overhaul into law.
But Vice President Joe Biden made a blooper of historic proportions. When Vice President Biden introduces President Obama, he leans into the President and whispers into his ear. Unfortunately the mic caught it all.
"This is a big (expletive deleted) deal," said Biden.
That's right. That's the Vice President telling the president quote this is a big "blanking" deal. The President doesn't react and carried on with the ceremony, which had all the cheers and hoopla of a sporting event.
There was a standing ovation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Ironically, a new CBS poll shows only eleven percent of the American public has a favorable opinion of Pelosi.
Polls aside, it was still a day of triumph for his administration as Obama signed the landmark legislation into law.
As for Biden's blooper, White house Press Secretary Robert Gibbs doesn't seem too upset. He tweeted "And yes Mr. Vice President, you're right."