Janet Jackson on the Red Carpet of Why Did I Get Married Too?

Janet Jackson was on the red carpet of her movie Why Did I Get Married Too?, the film she was shooting when her brother Michael died. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

"It was difficult. It was very draining," Janet Jackson said of returning to work after the death of her brother.

Jackson was holding hands with her sister Rebbie on the red carpet at the premiere of the movie she was shooting when Michael died.

"It was very difficult to get up in the morning and make yourself go because you knew you had to do it again," she said.

Tyler Perry, the director of Why Did I Get Married Too?, halted production for Jackson, and she was able to return and finish the film.

"He was definitely there for me. Such a sweetheart, so giving and so loving," Jackson says.

The movie opening came as new heartbreaking details of Michael Jackson's final moments emerged.

Michael Jackson aide Alberto Alvarez says Paris and Prince burst into the room and wept when they saw their father was being given CPR.

Alvarez is also making the shocking claim that Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, stopped CPR and even delayed calling 911 because he wanted to hide vials of drugs Jackson had been taking.


But Murray's attorney said: "He wasn't putting bottles in a bag and trying to hide them. We are confident that a fair trial will ferret out the truth."

Dr. Conrad Murray has pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Watch our interview with Janet Jackson on the red carpet at the premiere of Why Did I Get Married Too?


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