Amina Bowman, the innocent third-grader who was accidentally shot when a classmate brought a gun to school in his backpack and it went off, has received a letter of apology from the boy whose gun fired at her. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
The little girl who was shot in her third grade classroom has received a letter of apology from the classmate who accidentally shot her.
"Dear Amina, I'm sorry I hurt you because I brought a gun to school," the heartfelt letter written in the 9-year old boy's own hand, was sent to little Amina Bowman.
The boy took a .45-caliber gun to school outside Seattle, Washington, and it went off after he tossed his backpack on his desk. A bullet tore into Bowman's internal organs and lodged near her spine. Bowman had five surgeries and is now struggling to walk.
"I wish no one got hurt. I wish you were out of the hospital playing basketball and going back to school. I wish everyone was okay. I made a bad choice," the little boy wrote.
The judge ordered the boy to write the letter as part of his probation sentence. He wraps up the letter with this message, "I will stay away from guns. I am sorry Amina."