Clint Eastwood Takes Center Stage at RNC

To the surprise of many, the Republican National Convention surprise speaker is none other than Clint Eastwood. INSIDE EDITION reports.

It's the talk of the convention. Clint Eastwood is making a surprise appearance at the Republican convention Thursday night right before Mitt Romney's acceptance speech.
Geraldo Rivera told INSIDE EDITION, "Clint Eastwood will make their day, no doubt."

INSIDE EDITION caught up with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who's thrilled about Eastwood, but confessed she was really hoping quarterback Tim Tebow would be the mystery speaker.

Eastwood's very public endorsement is a big surprise to some because he seemed to be supporting President Obama in a controversial commercial for Chrysler that ran during the Superbowl.

Meanwhile, first lady Michelle Obama appeared on David Letterman and confessed that she isn't watching the GOP convention.

Letterman asked, "Did you see any of the convention?"

"No. Let me start by saying that I, as the wife of the guy they're running against, I tend not to watch it, but I think it's important for everyone to watch these conventions," said Michelle.

Letterman couldn't resist a joke directed at New Jersey's corpulent Governor Chris Christie, who gave the keynote address Tuesday night.   

Letterman joked, "Chris Christie was on stage for 16 minutes into the speech before he mentioned Mitt Romney. 16 minutes before he says Romney's name. He's on the stage for 30 seconds and he mentions Breyers ice cream. Now, come one!"

As Republicans get ready for Thursday's big convention finale, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is getting rave reviews for her speech in Tampa.

The New York Post says Rice's speech will "rank as one of the towering political speeches of our time."

Vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is also receiving kudos for his "rousing" speech. Ryan introduced his beautiful family to the nation and his 10-year-old daughter, Liza promptly stole the show as she basked in the cheers from delegates.

One little girl was spotted ducking out of sight. Turns out, she's Mitt Romney's granddaughter Chloe, who's become fast friends with Liza Ryan.

And we're learning that the green dress Ryan's wife Janna wore comes from the department store Talbots and sells for $169.

Missing from all the hoopla, and not happy about it, is none other than Sarah Palin. The internet is burning up with speculation that she's upset with Fox News after her appearance before Ryan's speech was cut by the cable network.

"Is the Sarah Palin, Fox News marriage in trouble?" writes one blogger.

Palin noted on Facebook: "I'm sorry Fox cancelled all my scheduled interviews."