A very lucky woman received a $20,000 life-saving tip after she gave directions to a complete stranger. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
Meet one very lucky woman.
A parking lot attendant received $20,000 from a complete stranger who simply asked her for directions in a Santa Barbara, California, parking lot.
Jennifer Vasilakos has a kidney disease that requires her to go for dialysis.
Vasilakos told INSIDE EDITION, "It was right here in this parking lot where I met the man that would change my life forever."
She was in the parking lot asking for donations to get experimental stem cell treatments that she hopes will save her life.
The stranger who drove up and asked for directions was none other than Ty Warner, the creator of Beanie Babies, who is worth an estimated $2.4 billion.
She had no idea who the stranger in the parking lot was, but Warner asked what she was raising money for. When she told him about her kidney disease he gave her $50 and drove off. But an hour-and-a-half later he came back, this time with a much bigger gift.
Vasilakos said, "He reached his hand out of his window and shook my hand and said, 'Hi, I am Ty Warner, and I would like to help you.' I said, 'I am looking to raise $20,000.' He immediately said, 'I would love to help, I am going to take care of this for you. You are done fundraising. You don't need to worry about anything.'"
A few days later, an envelope arrived. Inside was the $20,000 check as promised.
"Tears were rolling down my face just knowing somebody was going give me a shot at a better life," said Vasilakos.
There was also the letter: "I never lose my way, but fate had me lost and asked you for directions. The rest of the story I hope will be a wonderful new life for you. God bless you, Jennifer. Ty."
Now she has this to say to her guardian angel, "There aren't enough words to say 'thank you.'"