INSIDE EDITION talks to a young woman who summoned the super human strength to lift a car off of her father who was trapped underneath.
Alec Kornacki is a happily married, proud father of three girls. But a freak accident nearly ended his life in the garage of his suburban Virginia home.
He had to change a flat tire on his daughter's car, so he jacked it up and slid underneath.
"I decided to do the brakes," said Alec.
Suddenly, the car slipped and the 3,000 lb BMW came crashing down on him. Alec's heart had stopped. Fortunately, his daughter Lauren had just gotten off work as a lifeguard, and came home looking for her dad.
"I didn't hear his scream," Lauren said.
But then the 22 year-old spotted his legs sticking out from under the car.
"I could see that his eyes were open, he wasn't moving. I started screaming." said Lauren.
Lauren's adrenaline started pumping, every second counted.
"I needed to get this car off of him," she said.
Incredibly, Lauren got a surge of super human strength. Amazingly she lifted the 3,000 lb car off her dad. She pulled him out, but when she checked his pulse, the situation was grim.
"He was dead, he was gone" said Lauren.
That's when Lauren immediately swung into lifeguard mode. She began administering CPR. Then it happened, Lauren will never forget his first breath.
"It was actually really scary," said Lauren.
Paramedics arrived and rushed him to the hospital. Alec was alive.
"I started to say 'Thank you' and I couldn't finish my sentence. I started crying," said Alec.
"He's my everything, he's my daddy," said Lauren.
Alec suffered two neck fractures and four broken ribs. So hows Lauren feeling after lifting a 3,000 lb car?
"My back hurt, my back was really tight," said Lauren.
A feat of super human strength saved her fathers life.
"I gave her life, and she gave it back to me. She is my hero without a doubt," said Alec.
"I had to save my dad," said Lauren.