In the latest news of the Halle Berry drama, charges are being dropped against her ex, Gabriel Aubry. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Score one for Halle Berry's ex. He may have been beaten to a pulp, but cops are now reportedly dropping battery charges following his Thanksgiving Day smackdown with Berry's fiancé.
Los Angeles police sources are now calling the fight between male model, Gabriel Aubry, and Berry's fiancé, actor, Olivier Martinez, a "mutual combat," and his arrest will be voided.
But Berry continues to blame Aubry for the dust up, with a source close to the Oscar® winner telling the new issue of People magazine, "Aubry tried to intimidate, shove, and punch the much smaller Martinez. The actor, best known for his role in Unfaithful, was "simply defending himself."
Martinez can clearly pack a punch. He was a boxer in his native France.
“This is a new low in an incredibly toxic Hollywood feud. Halle and Gabriel, they broke up two years ago, and it seemed like things were going okay, but then it got ugly," Carlos Greer, a reporter for People magazine, told INSIDE EDITION.
It's hard to believe someone as successful and gorgeous as Berry could have such a hard luck love life. Her first marriage to baseball's David Justice ended in 1997 in a bitter divorce.
Then came a three year marriage to musician, Eric Benet.
"Her most recent ex-husband, Eric Benet, was a singer and apparently he cheated on her," said Greer.
Now, Berry's love life has somehow led to a violent eruption outside her own home.