Dave Hester, star of the hit reality show Storage Wars has filed a lawsuit alleging the show is a fake. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.
He was a breakout star of the hit reality show Storage Wars. Dave Hester became famous for his high-energy personality and his trademark bidding technique.
But now, Hester is making a bombshell claim about the show, in which people bid for abandoned storage units in the hope they'll contain something valuable.
Hester claims parts of Storage Wars are faked. In a lawsuit, he claims the producers "regularly salt" or plant the storage lockers with valuable or unusual items to create drama and suspense."
He also alleges the bidding is sometimes rigged. Hester says he was fired from the show earlier this year when he complained about the alleged dishonesty.
Now, add Storage Wars to the list of reality shows people claim are not so real.