While America grieves over the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, reaction pours in from around the world to the unimaginable tragedy. INSIDE EDITION has the reaction.
From everywhere around the world there has been an outpouring of grief.
The massacre in Newtown Connecticut, is leading newscasts around the world, and world leaders are expressing condolences.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The people of Israel grieve with you.”
The Pope prayed for the victims and said, “I was deeply disturbed of Friday's senseless violence in Newtown, Connecticut.”
Flowers are being left at American embassies in the far corners of the globe. In Pakistan, children huddled around candles. On a beach in Brazil, there are crosses in the sand in memory of those lost in Connecticut. Students in Poland observed a minute of silence
From Australia there was "A roll call of the innocents.”
From Canada, pictures of the tragic children with the headline "Little Angles" covered newspapers. A Montréal newspaper praised the teachers as heroes who lost their lives trying to save the children.
In Germany, there was a stark images of guns on the front page.
Clearly, it's a story being felt deeply the world over.