Dina Lohan Makes Shocking Allegation That Her Ex-Husband Abused Her

Linday Lohan's mother is making the shocking allegation that abuse she suffered at the hands of her ex-husband affects Lindsay's behavior today. Her ex-husband denies the allegations. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

A photo of Lindsay Lohan’s mom holding Lindsay as a baby has surfaced and it looks like mom has a black eye. She says it came from a beating by her then husband, Michael.

Dina Lohan claims Lindsay is messed up because she grew up watching her father being physically abusive.

The disturbing picture is published on the front page of Monday’s New York Daily News under the headline, “Lo Life.”

"Lindsay saw her dad abuse me - that's why she's so screwed up," Dina told the newspaper. She continued and said, "She saw a lot of crazy stuff. I want the world to know the root of her problems."

Michael Lohan vehemently denies those allegations.

Michael said, "She is bringing this up now because she's drinking and partying with Lindsay. And she keeps robbing Lindsay. She is the devil." (source: New York Daily News)

The story broke just as Lindsay faced her latest court case in New York on Monday.
Her attorney, Mark Heller, says he's trying to convince prosecutors to drop a charge of assaulting psychic Tiffany Mitchell in a New York nightclub last November.

Heller said, “Lindsay Lohan did not commit any crime, she did not assault anyone."
There was laughter when Heller said a psychic is predicting 2013 will be a great year for the troubled star.

Heller said, “A psychic fortune teller has predicted that the year 2013 will be an extremely lucky year for Lindsay Lohan. And with her spectacular talent and great looks, I believe all she needs is a little bit of luck.”

At this rate Lindsay may be lucky to stay out of jail.